Wednesday, June 12, 2013


The animals that I have posted about in my blog are all unique.
The animals are in this order:
  1. The Axolotl (which is yours and my favourite animal in the blog)
  2. Leafy Sea-Dragon
  3. Coconut Crab
  4. Firefly Squid (this is my 2nd favourite)
  5. Frogfish
  6. Sea Slug
  7. Cuttlefish
  8. Mudpuppy
  9. Axolotl (my personal view this time)
  10. Blobfish
They are very special even if they don't look pleasant or discust you. We need to preserve their habitats so they can live longer on the earth and the next generations of people can enjoy them just like us.

My experience

This is the last day that I'll be posting something on this blog in I.S.T. I have learnt a lot more about animals all over the world that I'd never thought I'd learn. It has been an amazing experience and I certainly think animals are all unique and special in their own ways. God has done an outstanding job of creating this universe and the creatures in the earth. I think animals are precious and we should cherish and look after them all our lives.

Monday, June 10, 2013


I think the Blobfish would be a bad animal to have as a pet because it looks miserable and discusting. Having a blobfish as a pet would creep me out, having to look at a fish that looks sad and miserable all the time. It's depressing.

Even though the Blobfish isn't very pleasant to look at, I feel sorry for their speices. Blobfish are rarely seen because they live around the depths of the sea. They live around 800m deep. But they are also endangered because fishermen accidentally catch them in their nets without knowing. Blobfish cannot survive too long out of water.

I personally don't like the physical appearance of the Blobfish, but I feel sorry for it.

Thursday, June 6, 2013


Out of all the posts of Strange Animals I've made, I have to say my favourite animal has got to be the Axolotl definitely!

Axolotls are one of the cutest animals ever, and I may have never known what they are if I didn't keep this blog. They are absolutely adorable, in my opinion anyway.

I think that the pink ones are the best.
Here is a youtube link of an axolotl video but the quality isn't as great as I'd hope -

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


I think Mudpuppies are very unusual, especially its name.What do you think a Mudpuppy is? A dog? Well if you thought a dog you're wrong! When I first saw the Mudpuppy on the National Geographic website and expected a cute dog that was brown to come up. But to my surprise I saw a salamander... It's brown though. I then read that the Mudpuppy can bark.. like a dog!

It's name is very misleading and it looks nothing like a puppy. But I guess it's name does fit because Mudpuppies do bark like dogs.


If I could have any animal as a pet in the world, I would choose...

A Red Panda, because they are so cute and adorable, it's just so cuddly looking :)

 Or any animal that is cuddly and adorable.

I love cute animals, they are just so sweet and innocent looking. They are soft and furry too. I have 2 puppies and they are cute too.