Monday, May 20, 2013


The Frogfish is a marine animal that is also known as an Anglerfish that is located in: Africa, Asia, Australia and South America. Their habitats are: sea beds, breakish waters, reefs and estuaries (an estuary is an inlet of the sea that is at the lower end of a river).

They are carnivores and eat crustaceans and other fish, sometimes even frogfish. When they feel threatened they can inflate like a pufferfish. Their skin also helps them to camoflage with their surroundings. Frogfish can also jet propel themselves across the sea floor, they use their pelvic fins to
 walk across the sea floor too. They have this wriggling lure that enables them to draw in its prey, the lure resemebles a worm or a shrimp, and if the lure gets eaten the frogfish can regenerate a new one.

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