Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Axolotl-Fast facts

The Mexican Axolotl is an endangered amphibian. It is also known as the Mexican Walking Fish, which is ironic because the axolotl isn't a fish. The axolotl is a carnivore and it likes worms. They are found in lakes close to Mexico City such as Lake Xochimilco. They can grow up to 30 cm (12 inches) and weigh from about 60 g to 227 g. Axolotls can also regenerate body parts that they loose. 

I think the Mexican Axolotl is a pretty unique and interesting animal. It is also pretty cool how they can regenerate body parts that they loose. At first I thought the axolotl was a pretty weird and strange animal but since I've been researching and learning more about them I have developed an interest in them.

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