Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Firefly Squid

The Firefly Squid ( also known as Watasenia scintillans(scientific name)) is a squid that can be found in the Western Ocean around Japan. Firefly Squids live up to roughly 1 year. They grow roughly 7cm-8cm long. They are carnivores and eat fish, zooplankton, aquatic crustaceans and other marine inverterbrates. One of their predators is the Northern fur Seal but the Firefly Squid uses the light from their photophores to communicate with other squids, frighten away predators or as counter illumination camoflage. During the day the Firefly Squid stay in the deep but during the night they come up to the surface to feed.

I think it is amazing how the Firefly Squid (at night) use light from their photophores to turn blue and frighten away predators or to use this ability to camoflage. I also think the Firefly Squid is an interesting sea creature that is very unique.

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